Search Results for: sweet potato

Citrus Carrot and Cranberry Oatmeal


Pumpkin, Orange, and Rosemary Oatmeal

As my regular readers know, I love rosemary. And all herbs. But especially rosemary. It’s one of the most satisfying and attention-grabbing flavors and goes surprisingly well with so many ingredients (especially fruits!). So today, I paired it with another fruit: pumpkin. (As much as we want pumpkin to be a veggie, it’s a total fruit.)


Fudgy PB&J Oatmeal

You can probably imagine how this recipe was born.

Yep: I wanted chocolate oatmeal, but I also wanted PB&J oatmeal.


Oatmeal Enthusiasts: Meet Cathy G.!

Hey, oatmeal lovers. I know, I’ve been absent a few weeks. As always, I blame it on lots of cloudy days and an inadequate camera. Thankfully, today I can introduce you to Cathy, whom you recognize thanks to her guest recipes, Cherry Chili Brownie Baked Oatmeal, Vegan Scrambled Eggs Oatmeal, and Cinnamon-Tahini Icing. I can’t believe she hasn’t been an Enthusiast yet, but that problem is solved today!


My name is Cathy (well, it’s Kasia in reality but on the Internet I’m known as @cathyhope9).

Lauren has honored me with the title of Oatmeal Enthusiast of May 2017 and I’m proud to be included in such a noble group of oatmeal lovers!

I’m a 22-year-old Chemistry student from Poland. I discovered oatmeal about three years ago and I quickly got addicted to it! Now I need my cup of oats daily!

I never had oatmeal for breakfast until I started college. I got interested in working out, eating clean and being fit. I learned about overnight oats, and I made them only with Greek yoghurt and banana. My classes started early, so having ready-to-eat breakfast in the fridge was perfect solution. On weekends I made stove-top oatmeal with apples (and with water! I was vegetarian but I hated cow’s milk). I discovered that when I don’t eat yoghurt, my face is clearer so I cut down on dairy. I found out about veganism and made slow transition to plant-based lifestyle. (My mom threatened me that she will stop cooking for me if I ever go vegan, but she still cooks for me.) I’ve never had vegan overnight oats! (And I need to change that soon!)

My favourite type of oatmeal is definitely baked oatmeal. I can have it only when I’m at home (because we don’t have an oven in dorm) and it makes it very special breakfast I impatiently look forward to. I learned about baked oatmeal from Jasmin ( whom I “met” on fitness app. She shared a recipe with me and I fell in love with baked oatmeal from the first bite 😉

I don’t remember how I found The Oatmeal Artist blog or how or who recommended me it but I’ve been a faithful reader since then. I learned so many useful tricks from Lauren, like segmenting orange, mixing PB2 with fork…. I read about soaking oats before cooking on the blog. Lauren’s imagination and creativity has no limits and I have never been disappointed in any of her recipes.

I eat oatmeal everyday, before classes, before working out, I ate oatmeal before running my first half marathon! When I can’t eat oatmeal, like when I don’t have access to kitchen, when I’m travelling, I start missing my oats very quickly.  Need proof that I’m an oatmeal lover? Some time ago I bought new shoes and a 2-kilogram bag of oats on sale and guess what made me more excited? Of course oats!

Day 1

It was Palm Sunday (that’s why I pictured my palm with my oatmeal) and for breakfast I had oatmeal with the best plant based milk I’ve ever had: rice-coconut milk (It was so delicious that I drank it straight from the carton and when I used it for oatmeal, I didn’t add any spices because I didn’t want to mask its flavour) and grapes.


Oatmeal Enthusiasts: Meet Michael!

Once again, I apologize for being so absent. It pains me to see how few recipes I shared in February, but I guess if it’s a symptom of me achieving other great things, then it’s not such a terrible thing, right? For the start of March, I’d like you to meet Michael, whom you may know from her Instagram, @finding_clareity.  She has been a long-time participant in the #oatmealartist hashtag, and I’m so excited to finally feature her here!

Hello there my oat lovin’ friends!

My name is Michael Clare. Some of you may know me as Clare (finding_clareity) on Instagram. I am a 20-year-old Journalism student at Saint Bonaventure University in Western New York.

Honestly, I had to pinch myself when the Oat Queen herself asked me to be the Oatmeal Enthusiast for March. When I first began following her in tenth grade (five years ago!) I never thought I would get to be featured on her blog!

Isn’t it beautiful that Lauren has brought us together through our love of oats? I think so!

In fact – the Oatmeal Artist Blog was a real “grain-changer” for me. Like many folks, the first time I tried oatmeal, I was appalled. I made a sachet of apple spice oats in the microwave and thought, “How do people eat this!?!”

Being an avid baker, my senses told me that I couldn’t trust the microwave version of anything.  

A Google search led me to Lauren’s recipage and after a few weeks of using her amazing recipes, my own creative juices started to flow.

Oats became more for me than just a breakfast, though.

Between my senior year of high school and sophomore year of college I struggled with a  eating disorder. Luckily I had wonderful doctors, friends, family, and teachers to give me the support I needed to recover. Still, it was incredibly challenging and complicated. Eating in recovery was anything but fun. It was a scary, daunting, struggle. Oatmeal changed all that.

Each morning, I looked at my oat bowl as a work of art and myself as an artist. I didn’t think about the calories, macros, ingredients, or amounts I used. Oatmeal helped me see food as being fun! Nourishment for the soul and body.

From a practical standpoint, oatmeal also allowed me to easily up my calorie intake. I started to make a new oat base: ½ cup oats, 1 tbsp chia seeds, ½ scoop plant protein, and 1/3 cup liquid egg whites. This allowed me to keep my same familiar bowl of oatmeal for breakfast that I was used to having but with some added fuel. Oats are amazing because they can be customized for a multitude of dietary needs!

These days, my favorite way to eat my stovetop oats is cold. I usually cook the base the night before and add fruit and toppings in the morning. It saves me lots of time for my busy college schedule! Also – I always add a bit of cereal for CRUNCH ☺.

Monday: Chocolate Banana Berry Oats topped with Rice Krispies.

Chocolate is always a good idea for breakfast, but it is a MUST on a Monday!

Tuesday: Chocolate Sweet Potato Berry Oats topped with Cinnamon Chex

When I have sweet potato oats, it means I had some left over from dinner the night before ☺. I love how it pairs with berries and chocolate, too.

Wednesday: PB&J Oats – grapes, strawberries, powdered PB mixed in, topped with Trader Joe’s Valencia PB and multigrain Puffins after the photo

Peanut Butter and Jelly is CLASSIC. You just can’t go wrong. I used to think grape oatmeal was too weird, but grapes quickly became a favorite add-in for me.

Thursday: Chocolate Covered Pineapple Raspberry Oats topped with Van’s Cocoa Sensation cereal

Pineapple can be a hassle to cut, honestly… but it is so worth it! I usually just spend a little extra and buy some pre-cut.

Friday: Strawberry Kiwi Oats topped with Trader Joe’s sunflower butter and Vanilla Chex

This was actually my first time using kiwi in my oats and I LOVED it! Also, shout out to my fav nut/seed butter.

Saturday: Pumpkin Blueberry Oats topped with Peanut Butter & Co. Pumpkin Spice PB and Trader Joe’s Pumpkin O’s

Okay, call me basic but I am going to be real – Pumpkin spice oats are my fav year-round. I love the flavor of real pumpkin combined with cinnamon and ginger. Frozen blueberries add a nice hint of sweetness.

Sunday: Mixed Berry Oats topped with sun butter and Very Berry Cheerios

I had to buy the Very Berry Cheerios as soon as they came out and, obviously, they had to go on top of mixed berry oats as well.

Note: For all “chocolate” oats, I mixed in Trader Joe’s dark chocolate chips while cooking. I also always use frozen raspberries and blueberries in the winter time — plus I like how it freezes the oats 😉 .

That’s it, my week in oats! Thanks for reading and many thanks to Lauren for making my wildest oat-dreams come true. <3

German Chocolate Cake Batter Oatmeal

Today’s recipe is really a stovetop version of my German Chocolate Cake Baked Oatmeal, which I made half a decade ago. It’s really just a chocolate oatmeal made memorable by the coconut-pecan topping. Since it’s a cake batter, it’s perfect for celebrating birthdays. 🙂


Oatmeal Enthusiasts: Meet Sarah!

Hello fellow oatmeal lovers! My name is Sarah and I am a 22-year-old graduate student in the Midwest studying for a Ph.D. in math. I’m so excited to be sharing my week’s worth of oatmeal with you as February’s Oatmeal Enthusiast!

Growing up, I always liked oatmeal but never loved it. I would go through phases of eating oatmeal for breakfast, starting with dinosaur egg oatmeal as a kid, rotating through the different flavors of Quaker instant oatmeal in my early teens, and settling on plain oatmeal with a bit of brown sugar towards the end of high school. These were always just phases that lasted a few weeks before I moved onto eggs or Cheerios.

It was during my freshman year of college that my love for oatmeal really blossomed. I had recently discovered healthy living blogs, but being on a full dining plan, had limited use for their recipes. Up until then, I had virtually zero interest in cooking, but I came home for winter break that year eager to try it out. The very first recipe I made was Peanut Butter Fingers’ classic overnight oats. I loved the unique taste and texture of the oatmeal and yogurt mixed together. I also loved the process of actually cooking my own breakfast, following a recipe, and evaluating the finished result. In other words, I was hooked!

Thus began my foray into oatmeal experimentation. Some time during the summer after my freshman year of college, I discovered The Oatmeal Artist. I loved her perspective on oatmeal and life and really appreciated that her recipes were easy to make, used mostly ingredients I had on hand, were customizable, and most importantly, always turned out to be delicious! I also found several other oatmeal recipe blogs to explore through Lauren’s blog.

Now four years later, I prefer hot oats to overnight and enjoy baked oatmeal regularly. I cook my oats on the stovetop over the weekend but in the microwave during the week to save time. My oatmeal is now plant-based and you will never find my bowl without some sort of nut butter on top. I have tried anything and everything in my oatmeal, from chickpeas to spinach to watermelon. However, my favorites tend to be on the simpler side. I still try new recipes whenever I get the chance, but classics like Lauren’s peanut butter oatmeal will always have my heart.

And now without further ado, here’s my week of oatmeal, 2017-style!


I started the week off with the Real Life RD’s carrot cake oatmeal . I added zucchini and topped with maple mixed nut butter, so there was no need for maple syrup.


Savory Lentil-Oatmeal Taco Bowl

This taco bowl replaces meat with a lentil and oatmeal mixture. I went with rolled flakes to achieve a “piece-y” texture, as opposed to the creamy texture I would get from a steel cut oat. Together, the lentils and oat flakes create something similar to a ground beef, and they’re seasoned with typical “white people” taco seasonings–cumin, chili powder, oregano, paprika, garlic, onion, etc.


Best of 2016

See also: Best of 2012 / Best of 2013 / Best of 2014 / Best of 2015

In many ways, 2016 was a pretty tough year. I don’t think I need to elaborate on that as we all seem to be on the same page about this dumb excuse of a year. 🙂 But in other ways, this year was big for me. I really found my passion in school–bilingual education–and my mental health improved by a billion. I feel almost as balanced and stable as I did pre-teaching, just way more jaded. But I can deal with that. I got not just one but two jobs. My nephew can finally say my name and recognize me. My boyfriend brings a lot of joy and adventure into my life. The initial work of my thesis has gotten a lot of praise. I even learned a good chunk of Spanish!

Oatmeal-wise, this year has challenged me as I have fallen in love with experimenting with unique ingredients and sophisticated flavor combinations, yet I also want to keep my recipes easy, quick, and inviting. I wish all my recipes could be made with five ingredients, and I don’t want to scare anyone off with my persimmons. 🙂

As usual, I have assembled the top recipes from the year for us to reminisce together!

1. Fan Favorite Recipe

These German Chocolate Cake Oatmeal Bites, much to my surprise, received more views than all other recipes from 2016. I did not see that coming!



Oatmeal Recipes for Christmas – 2016 Edition!

Every year I assemble my most Christmassy recipes in one post. I would have liked it to be inclusive of other winter holidays, but alas, I have no expertise in Jewish cuisine (although I did rock that tzimmes recipe for Passover).

Broooooooklyn ?✨

A photo posted by Lauren Smith (@oatmealartist) on

This year welcomed many new additions to the Christmas-themed lineup, many in the form of PB2 toppings! But this roundup also includes old favorites because peanut butter blossom cookies will never go out of style. (more…)