Tag Archives: yogurt

Black Forest Oatcakes…and my blog’s 2nd birthday!

Two years. TWO YEARS! Considering I’ve been running this blog during the two most challenging years of my life (student teaching/senior year, my year of service in Newark, and my first year of teaching in NYC), it’s a pretty big deal that I’ve managed to maintain this blog through it all. To celebrate, I made oatcakes:


But first, let me indulge in my nostalgia. Three fantastic things have happened since the Oatmeal Artist’s first birthday.

  1. I began my partnership with Country Choice Organic, which has completely changed my life.
  2. I began the Oatmeal Enthusiast series, which showed me that there are SO MANY PEOPLE that eat oatmeal every single morning, just like me.
  3. The #oatmealartist hashtag began on Instagram, which always gives me a nice ego boost whenever I’m feeling down. As of right now, there’s over 2,000 pictures on Instagram with the #oatmealartist tag. So cool!


Brownie Baked Oatmeal Parfait

I feel like I picked the right time to go herbivore. It’s so exciting to watch new vegan products pop up on mainstream grocery shelves all the time. It seems like every time I go to the store, I find a new vegan product. Now, I try not to fill my diet with mock meats and fake dairy, but it is amusing to experiment with them from time to time.My local produce market, which understandably has a tiny dairy section, just added Almond Dream yogurt to its selection. They only carry two flavors–coconut and strawberry–but I am completely fine with that. The coconut flavor is one of my favorites anyway.

To celebrate, I made this parfait. I typically eat one of my banana/peanut butter recipes on weekends, so I actually had to FORCE myself to make this. I think I pouted the entire time until I was finally spooning the results into my mouth. Then the sacrifice seemed worth it.


Tiramisu Overnight Oatmeal

The Thursday before my birthday, my friend and I were out and about in Manhattan enjoying some good eats. After some delightful vegan soul food at Red Bamboo, we moved on to Peacefood Cafe on 11th St. The dinner food is great there, but I particularly love their desserts. VEGAN. TIRAMISU. I didn’t see it coming, but their vegan tiramisu was infinitely better than any tiramisu (vegan or not) I’ve ever had. The cream portion was unbelievable and I have no idea what it was made of.



PB and J Muesli

There is neither peanut butter nor jelly in this muesli (although I definitely contemplated both). Instead, it contains a delicious mix of fresh grapes, crushed peanuts, and (bonus!) sliced bananas, flax, and raisins. It’s like PB&J, in a muesli-friendly form.



Grape Salad Overnight Oatmeal

I’m not positive about this one, but this is probably another crazy Midwestern thing. We just LOVE take fruit, stirring in cream cheese, and calling it a salad. Hey, at least this one doesn’t have marshmallows!


Grape salad was first introduced to me by my godparents. They brought it to some celebration we were having at my house (perhaps my sister’s confirmation or something??). Cripes, this stuff is good. It consists of red and green grapes coated in a mixture made of cream cheese, sour cream, and a little brown sugar. It sounds pretty terrible written out like that (especially to someone like me who hates sour cream), but it’s truly divine.


Pomegranate Muesli

I am all about the muesli lately. It all happened when I discovered that pomegranate seeds make the best friggin’ muesli ever. Why?! Because they can make the bulk of your muesli instead of nuts and dried fruit, which are wonderful and nutrient-dense, but they’re also crazy filling and dried fruit is a ton of sugar. So using pomegranates? Brilliant.


Pomegranates are crunchy like a nut or seed, but sweet like dried fruit. They have the added bonus of being absolutely beautiful to look at.

Autumn Muesli

I don’t know what it is about muesli lately, but I am all about it. I think it’s because I’ve been setting my electric blanket too high at night, and when I wake up in the morning, all I want is cold muesli.


This muesli essentially just celebrates autumn. Okay, so maybe pumpkin didn’t make it in (don’t worry, that’s coming!), BUT there are pepitas, which are pumpkin seeds, so . . . I guess that counts! I also used dried apples, raisins, golden raisins, dried cranberries, and pecan pieces. DIVINE.

My first bites were certainly pleasant, but I felt that something was missing. It was almost too light and bright and sunshiny. It needed more autumn. I took a risk and added a dash of cinnamon, and wow, it made all the difference!

Peach and Blueberry Overnight Oatmeal

First there was Peach & Blueberry Oatmeal. Then Peach & Blueberry Oatcakes. Now, I present Peach & Blueberry Overnight Oatmeal. Three cheers for the best fruit combo known to mankind! (Or can you nominate a better one?)


I made my version diced, but I bet it would be marvelous with pureed peaches (if you’re okay with dirtying your blender).

Fig and Banana Muesli

I know hundreds of people in my own neighborhood live without a roof over their head or food to eat. They can barely afford a loaf of bread, let alone figs. Still, I have to say that not having gas really sucks. Cold showers suck. Not having a functional stove sucks. Not having an oven that heats up sucks.


Luckily, I’ve had dozens of recipes from July to post, but those are running out. I’m eager to “stay ahead” of the posts. I don’t like feeling pressure to slap a post together just for the sake of staying on schedule.  Moreover, I just have to admit that eating overnight oatmeal cold is just not my thing.

Oh yeah, did I mention I don’t have a microwave either?!


Chocolate Hazelnut Oatmeal

When was the first time you experienced Nutella?I had never even heard of it until my freshman year of college when I was taking French 101. A number of my classmates had birthdays within a week or two of each other, so one day, our professor walked into class carrying a stack of crepes and a jar of Nutella. Bon anniversaire, indeed!

