Monthly Archives: August 2016

Mango Oatmeal with Sriracha PB2

You know what’s extra great about this recipe? It’s a really simple oatmeal topped with a really simple PB2. The oatmeal is oats + mango, and the topping is PB2 + Sriracha. Maravilloso, right?!

Mango Oatmeal with Sriracha PB2 #OatmealArtist #Vegan (more…)

Molasses Tahini Oatmeal

This oatmeal is inspired by a Turkish treat known as Tahin Pekmez. The real deal is made using grape molasses, but I had trouble finding that, so I settled for regular molasses (which also pairs beautifully with tahini).

Molasses Tahini Oatmeal #OatmealArtist #Vegan



Weekend Musings: Soaking Oats

Remember, I am not a nutritionist. Everything I’m about to write came from my own experiences and from independent researching. If you haven’t yet read my musing about being a nutrition skeptic, I highly recommend it!

For a long time, I’ve noticed that my stomach is happier after eating overnight oats compared to stovetop oats. I had no idea why. Even when I made a larger portion of overnight oats (they are typically smaller in volume than the same measurement of dry oats on the stove), it would still leave me with a happier gut.

Matcha Yogurt Overnight Zoats! ??

A photo posted by Lauren Smith (@oatmealartist) on

When Giselle submitted her guest post for the Spiced Plantain Brownie Baked Oatmeal, she included an instruction to soak the oats in an acidic liquid overnight. Curious, I emailed back to ask why. She responded, “Soaking the oatmeal (or any other whole grain) in acidic liquid is supposed to break down the phytic acid to make them more nutritious and digestible. Rinsing them removes most of the lemon flavor.”

Normally, hearing something like “break down the phytic acid” would set off my BS radar. ? I take being a nutrition skeptic very seriously, and I think there is a lot of nonsense being thrown around. But considering the very real, noticeable difference in my digestion after eating overnight oats vs. stovetop oats, I was intrigued. (more…)

Cherry Coconut Fudge Oatmeal

I was desperately low on frozen cherries when I set off to make this recipe. This meant I had only one option: break out the jar of maraschino cherries.

Bonus: Both fresh and frozen cherries can have a rather shy flavor in oatmeal, so switching to this syrupy, high-flavor cherry actually helps your oatmeal taste like cherry!

Cherry Coconut Fudge Oatmeal by the Oatmeal Artist #vegan (more…)

Peach-Cherry Oatmeal with Avocado

Oatmeal with avocado? Sounds bizarre, I know. But I’ve done it before (Grapefruit Avocado Oatmeal) and I loved it. I’ve been plotting my next avocado recipe for years. Years!!!

Peach-Cherry Oatmeal with Avocado #OatmealArtist #Vegan (more…)

Weekend Musings: OSG Cookbook Part I

For those of you following me on Instagram, you will be well aware that I am completing a challenge right now using the Oh She Glows cookbook (the first one). For this challenge, I am preparing 20 recipes from the book in one month’s time–enough to build a sense of urgency, but not enough that I can’t skip a day or two.

I made this challenge up (it’s not a “thing,” haha), but I have found it’s a great way to force myself out of my comfort zone and to branch out from my usual routine. I love my Happy Herbivore mac and cheese, and I love avocado toast, but I know there are other recipes out there that I’m missing.

And furthermore, how many of you buy cookbooks and then let them collect dust on your shelf??? This is a struggle of mine. Everyone was going crazy for the OSG cookbook when it first released, so I gave in to peer pressure and bought it myself. However, after flipping through the pages and admiring the pretty pictures, I never got around to making any of the recipes. Why? Because avocado toast is so much easier. 😉

Knowing well that I was missing out on some fantastic recipes–and also thinking about the $25 I spent on the book–I decided enough was enough. Having previously done a similar challenge using the Happy Herbivore cookbook, I knew this would be the kick in the pants I needed.

Recipe 1: Walnut, Pear, & Avocado Salad

Starting off my #osgcookbook challenge with this Walnut, Pear, & Avocado Salad with Marinated Portobello Mushroom.

A photo posted by Lauren Smith (@oatmealartist) on

Confession: that’s not even a pear. It’s a golden delicious apple. My neighborhood produce shop didn’t have any pears that day, so I decided a golden delicious apple was the next best thing (and as you all know, I don’t even like pears, so I wasn’t even upset about it). The recipe is meant to be served as a full meal, but I reduced the portion and ate it as a side with some avocado toast because I’m me and I wasn’t quite ready to abandon my old habits. ^_^

I chose this recipe first because I love salad and find them easy to prepare (and it was also 90 degrees out). However, this still forced me to experience a different type of salad since I wouldn’t normally go through the effort of marinated and cooking mushrooms, especially for a salad. This was delicious!! Probably because of the golden delicious apple. 😉  (more…)

Review: MyCerealMix

I’ve seen many of my readers posting MyCerealMix shots on Instagram, so I was over-the-moon excited when the company gave me the opportunity to try it for myself.

MyCerealMix is a company that allows you to create your own cereal creations using a variety of healthy and fun mix-ins, like freeze-dried fruit, cacao nibs, chia seeds, nuts, and more. You can personalize the base (you can stick to oats or you can go for different grains–even rice crisps!), choose whatever mix-ins you want for no extra cost (it’s a flat-rate bag of deliciousness for $9.99, even if you add five servings of cacao nibs!), and have full control over whether any sweeteners (xylitol and bee pollen) or powders (protein and wheat grass) are added.

MyCerealMix Review - Muesli

For my bag, I went with:

  • Oats, because I’m classic
  • Chia seeds, because they make my tummy feel good
  • Goji berries, because I’ve honestly never had one before (!!)
  • Freeze-dried strawberries, mangos, and raspberries, because NUMMY
  • Cacao nibs, because chocolate makes everything better
  • Coconut, because coconut makes everything better


Mango Basil Oatmeal

I love basil and I love mango. Don’t mind me; I’ll just be over here adding basil to every type of fruit you can think of.

Mango Basil Oatmeal #Vegan #OatmealArtist (more…)

Mango-Papaya Oatmeal with Dragon Fruit

I thought I had cured Papaya Anxiety™️ with my Piña Papaya Oatmeal, but it turns out I was just getting started. Best. Papaya. Recipe. Yet. This combination of three tropical fruits is stellar. Mango is a winner, always. Papaya plays off the mango beautifully. Dragon fruit adds an unobtrusive sweetness that merely enhances the mango.

Mango-Papaya Oatmeal with Dragon Fruit #OatmealArtist (more…)

Strawberry Cardamom Oatmeal with Coconut-Cashew Butter

I will not rest until I add cardamom to every single thing I can think of. One day I will have an entire cardamom section of my blog. <3

Strawberry Cardamom Oatmeal with Coconut-Cashew Butter #OatmealArtist (more…)