Tag Archives: citrus

Pear Orange Fudge Oatmeal

This recipe adds big flavor from the fudgy chocolate and bright orange, and the pears add a hint of sweetness and a refreshing coolness.


Citrus Pear Oatmeal

It’s a pear recipe! And I liked it!


Lemon Olive Oil Cake Baked Oatmeal

lemon-olive-oil-cake-baked-oatmeal-vegan-oatmealartist (more…)

Matcha-Lime Overnight Oatmeal with Strawberries

I’ve recently realized that matcha tastes better in overnight recipes. I don’t know what it is about sitting in the fridge for a few hours, but it does wonders to the unusual flavor of matcha. It subdues the bitterness and leaves you with a sweet oatmeal with a pleasant matcha flavor.

Matcha-Lime Overnight Oatmeal with Strawberries  (more…)

Citrus Butternut Squash Oatmeal with Orange Marmalade

I love combining citrus with hearty produce like sweet potato or winter squash. It adds so much brightness, making porridges like this acceptable year-round, not just in November.

Citrus Butternut Squash Oatmeal with Orange Marmalade #OatmealArtist (more…)

Mango Tahini Oatmeal

Mango. ?

I adore mango, especially when I can find a way to temper the sweetness a bit. What calms sweetness better than a swirl of tahini?

Mango Tahini Oatmeal by the Oatmeal Artist #Vegan (more…)

Savory Citrus Arugula Steel-Cut Oatmeal

While I mostly eat my sweet oatmeals, I find my savory concoctions so rewarding on a creative level. When I make savory oatmeal recipes, I practiced some of my less-used cooking skills and ingredients and am always shocked at the results. My Herbed Pumpkin & Leek Oatmeal had me dreaming about it for the rest of the day, and the Lemon Asparagus Ris-Oat-to leftovers recharged me every day for a week.

Now there’s this.

Savory Citrus Arugula Steel Cut Oatmeal #OatmealArtist

Freaking beautiful, right??

This recipe was inspired by a recipe I made for a vegan Seder potluck. My vegan Jewish friend wanted to host an event for his other vegan and/or Jewish pals, and I was honored to be one of them. After doing much research for what is kosher for Passover, I made this quinoa salad*.


Mango Cayenne Oat Smoothie

I love kombucha so much. I used to feel pressure to limit my kombucha intake (due to the fact that the good bottles cost like $5 each), but now that I make it at home, I can have one nearly every day!

One of my favorite flavor creations was mango + cayenne, which came about because I had some incredibly tough dried mango that I no longer wanted to snack on. As an expirement, I cut them into thin strips and tucked them into bottles of a fresh batch of kombucha. Sure enough, two days later (carbonating time!), my kombucha was delightfully mango-flavored, and I had found the perfect way not to waste that jaw-ripping mango.

Mango Cayenne Oat Smoothie by the Oatmeal Artist #Vegan

Looking up various ways to elevate that flavor, I decided to try cayenne. It was an obvious choice, considering my favorite storebought kombucha is Health-Ade’s Cayenne Cleanse. I love spicyspicyspicy. <3 (more…)

Irish Tricolor Oatmeal Smoothie Bowl

As I said last week, Ireland has a special place in my heart. During my time in Ireland, I fell in love with the Irish flag, which is called the Irish Tricolor, according to Wikipedia. How original. ???

Irish Tricolor Oatmeal Smoothie Bowl by the Oatmeal Artist #vegan (more…)

Blood Orange and Raspberry Oatmeal

Every winter, I greatly anticipate the arrival of blood oranges. As soon as they pop up at the market, I buy several.

The problem is, I never know what to do with them. I like eating them plain, and I like putting them in salads, but I also want to use them in oatmeal. Citrus in oatmeal is a tricky task, as they tend to lose their bold, tangy flavor when combined with earthy oats. Plus, because blood oranges are such an underused fruit, I really never know what to combine them with.

Blood Orange and Raspberry Oatmeal by the #OatmealArtist

So I used FoodGawker. I searched blood oranges to see what flavors other people were pairing them with. There were lots of salads, lots of curds, lots of homemade vinaigrettes. I saved all of them to my Pinterest for future meal inspiration. Finally, I found this Blood Orange and Raspberry Sangria. Perfect. (more…)