Weekend Musings: To My International Readers…

Hi oatmeal lovers. I’m going to go completely off-topic for a moment.

Tuesday was one of the worst days of my life. In terms of the devastation I feel, the neverending sickness in my stomach, and the deep sadness I feel for my country, this week brings back strong, painful memories of the September 11 attacks. It did not directly end people’s lives, but it did indirectly end some lives, and directly threaten the humanity of entire communities.

As an American with a large international base, I want you to know that that man does not represent me. He does not represent most Americans.*

*Hillary actually won more votes than him. (Thank you, Electoral College.)

On Wednesday morning, I woke up to a world in which a bigot was the presidential elect of the “United” States of America. I made my oatmeal. It brought me no peace. It tasted like nothing. I continued my day, forcing myself to “show up” to my job, to appointments, to meetings, to tutorials. Show up. Put on some sort of mask. Stifle my mourning. Try to show a brave and hopeful face to my young students.

But the second I left anyone’s gaze, I dissolved into tears–fearing for the humanity of my friends, coworkers, classmates, professors, students, and neighbors who happen to be Muslim, Black, Hispanic, gay, trans, or female. My country is broken and I’m hurt, scared, and numb. I feel physically ill. I know other countries are facing bigger problems but that does not diminish the devastation we are experiencing here.

In other words, I need to take a short break from the blog. It might be a week, or it might be several weeks. I’ll be back as soon as I have the emotional energy to be creative again.


About Lauren Smith

Lauren is a herbivore, Slytherin, and connoisseur of oats. You can follow her on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook.

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