Lemon Steel-Cut Oatmeal

Every time I think all my lemon ideas have dried up, another springs to my mind. As of this moment, I can’t say I have any more lemon recipes to give you. However, I’m sure within a couple of months, I’ll miraculously think of another. It’s simply inevitable.


I’m quite positive (judging on page views and comments) that my lemon recipes aren’t particularly popular. I’m guessing most people see the banana and are skeptical, or they just can’t imagine themselves enjoying a citrusy porridge. Fair enough.

However, I stand by the fact that oatmeal loves lemon, and lemon loves oatmeal. That lemon extract from Whole Foods made quite a dent in my checking account, but IT WAS SO WORTH IT. I simply love me some lemon in my oats. I’m begging you to try it at least once!


Of course, if you loathe the ‘nana, feel free to replace it. I use banana to improve the texture and nutritional value, but if these aren’t priorities for you, you could sweeten with dried fruit (dates) or maple/agave syrup. If you want to keep the boost of nutrition, you could try applesauce or another pureed fruit (like pineapple or pear).

Lemon Steel-Cut Oatmeal

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Yield: serves 4-5

What you'll need:

  • 3 cups milk of choice, or water
  • juice of 2 lemons
  • 1 cup steel-cut oatmeal (I use Country Choice Organic)
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1/2 tsp lemon extract
  • pinch of salt

How to make it:

  1. Bring milk (I used 2 c almond milk and 1 c water) and lemon juice to a boil, add oats, and reduce heat to medium. (If you'd like to add a teaspoon of flax or chia seeds, do so now.)
  2. Once more of the liquid has absorbed, mash up bananas and stir into the oatmeal. Add lemon extract and salt.
  3. When you're pleased with the consistency of the oatmeal, transfer to a bowl. Add a splash of your milk of choice and any other additional toppings (shredded coconut, nuts, berries, kiwi, etc.).

About Lauren Smith

Lauren is a herbivore, Slytherin, and connoisseur of oats. You can follow her on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook.

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