Dark Chocolate Banana Oatmeal

This recipe is insanely easy. I especially recommend it if you’re new to the fabulous world of homemade porridge! The sweet richness of the Dark Chocolate almond milk gives this bowl of oats an intense, chocolaty flavor that is certain to win anyone over. This nondairy milk is heavenly, but I rarely let myself buy it because it’s what I call a “frivolous purchase.” However, when I do buy it, I always make sure to have bananas on hand so I can make this delightful breakfast.


Dark Chocolate Banana Oatmeal

Prep Time: 2 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Yield: serves 1

What you'll need:

  • 1/2 cup Silk Dark Chocolate Almondmilk
  • 1/2 cup milk of choice, or water
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats (I use Country Choice Organic)
  • 1 ripe banana
  • pinch of salt

How to make it:

  1. Bring Dark Chocolate almond milk, regular almond milk, and 1/2 cup water to a boil (feel free to play with those ratios to your preferences). Then, add your oats and reduce heat to medium.
  2. Cut the banana in half. Mash up one half thoroughly and stir into the oatmeal. Slice up the other half and set aside.
  3. Once more of the liquid has absorbed, add a pinch of salt and the sliced bananas.
  4. If you'd like to add any additional ingredients (coconut oil, almonds), do so now.
  5. When oatmeal is ready, transfer to a bowl. Serve with another splash of almond milk (either chocolate or regular, depending on your preferences), and any additional toppings (shredded coconut, nuts, etc.).

About Lauren Smith

Lauren is a herbivore, Slytherin, and connoisseur of oats. You can follow her on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook.

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