Banana Plum Oatmeal

I truly pity anyone who doesn’t like bananas in their oatmeal. Now, I can understand not liking bananas plain–even I struggle with that one sometimes, especially if it’s not perfectly overripe. 🙂 But bananas in oatmeal? It yields such creamy, sweet, and luxurious porridge. Also, combined with the soluble fiber of the oats, it makes my digestive system feel sooooooooo great afterwards.


This recipe is similar to Banana Bread Oatmeal–using many of the same ingredients–but it is peppered with small bites of silky red plums. It shows that you can add other fruits to another recipe to vary up the tastes and textures. You don’t always have to invent; sometimes, you can just innovate. 🙂


This is the last plum recipe I have for you for a while. I know I’ve been throwing them at you pretty steadily, but I have none left to share at this precise moment (but more in mind, so those could potentially show up in the near future).


In other news, SPRING is just a few days away! What spring produce are you most looking forward to? Personally, I can’t stop dreaming about asparagus!

Banana Plum Oatmeal

Prep Time: 2 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Yield: serves 1

What you'll need:

  • 1 cup milk of choice, or water
  • 1 plum, diced
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats (I use Country Choice Organic)
  • 1/2 a banana (can use a full one if you have a big appetite)
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp blackstrap molasses
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • pinch of salt

How to make it:

  1. Pour milk (I use 1/2 c almond milk and 1/2 c water in a saucepan and set over medium heat. Add diced plum while you wait for the liquid to come to a boil.
  2. Add oats, and reduce heat to medium-low. (If you'd like to add a teaspoon of flax or chia seeds, do so now.)
  3. Mash banana and stir into oatmeal.
  4. Once more of the liquid has absorbed, add vanilla extract, cinnamon, molasses, nutmeg, and salt. Stir.
  5. When you're pleased with the consistency of the oatmeal, transfer to a bowl. Add a splash of your milk of choice and any other additional toppings (shredded coconut, raisins, nut butter, nuts, etc.).


About Lauren Smith

Lauren is a herbivore, Slytherin, and connoisseur of oats. You can follow her on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook.

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